Blackout 4.2 eliminated the micro-delays you may know as "just a few" seconds or clicks. As most reviewers know, those small moments can add up to hours to production, document prep, and manual redaction.
This 4.2 Update 1 release provides helpful shortcuts and additional performance improvements for manual redaction. Additionally, we introduce a high priority queue which enables reallocating Blackout resources to projects that need to be completed ASAP. Below, Blackout Product Manager, Marko Iwanik answers four key questions users may have.
What types of priority projects do you see this most helpful for?

Marko: This update will improve any project on a tight timeline running concurrently with a large imaging project.
The priority queue will pause the execution of the extensive imaging project until your urgent project has run all of its tasks. As the urgent project winds down, Blackout will automatically crank up work on the imaging project again.
How experienced with using Blackout do you have to be to use the priority queue? Are there any general considerations people should have behind the scenes?
Marko: The feature is available only to system administrators. It's best to have a solid understanding of both the Blackout agent configuration and your Relativity instance before changing the priority of a project.
The C.A. team has made it a very easy and informative process now that it's entering its third year.
How will Blackout users benefit from repeat last action? Is this something that came directly from customer feedback?
Marko: Our primary goal with Blackout manual redaction workflows is to save reviewers time and allow them to focus on redacting content rather than clicking buttons. We anticipate saving reviewers several clicks per redaction for many manual redaction workflows.
Customers have actually been asking for similar shortcuts previously, but the introduction of the repeat last action context menu link actually came from one of our developers. They had heard some feedback from a customer and thought this feature would solve the problem.

For our technology enthusiasts, can you provide a look "behind the curtain" and explain how Blackout is prioritizing what is displayed?
Marko: Once a project has been promoted to the priority queue, it will appear at the top of the project list on the Project Status page in the administrator tab of Blackout so that administrators can monitor progress easily. We have introduced additional sorting and filtering options, so navigating to any specific job is just a few clicks away!
Thanks, Marko!
As always, let us know what you think of Blackout 4.2 Update 1, and reach out if you want to talk about any specific ideas you have about what might improve your experience using Blackout.