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We’ll See You at Relativity Fest 2015!

Relativity Fest 2015, the sixth annual Relativity user conference, is coming up in just a few weeks, and we’re excited to not only attend Relativity Fest for the sixth time, but to share our knowledge of the platform with the Relativity user community for the sixth year in a row. In addition to our Silver-level sponsorship and our presence in the Relativity Community Pavilion, Milyli team members will also be co-presenting in two Relativity Fest sessions.

Tim Randall (Technical Project Manager at Milyli) will assist in a session titled “Using Performance Dashboard to Review the Health of Your Environment,” which is part of the IT Professional track. The goal of the session is to show how Performance Dashboard (PDB) gives IT professionals an overall view into the health of their Relativity environments and how to prepare for an infrastructure audit if applying for Relativity Best in Service status. Milyli has been working with kCura Infrastructure Engineering to support and enhance PDB for years, so Tim will be on-hand during the session and Q&A to provide further insight into what PDB can do.

On the Relativity Developer track, Justin Evans (Technical Project Manager) and David Grupp (Senior Developer) are co-presenting – alongside Texas-based law firm Jackson Walker – on data migration in a session called “One Problem, Two Solutions – Handling Database Migration to Relativity.” The session will address the common problem of migrating legacy databases into Relativity as they transition to the new platform. Justin and David will be discussing the custom work Milyli did for kCura to build Relativity Bridge, which automates the migration of cases and projects from other eDiscovery tools to Relativity.

Whether or not you plan on attending either of these sessions, if you’re going to be at Relativity Fest this year we hope you’ll stop by our sponsor pod in the Relativity Community Pavilion (located in the Grand Ballroom at the Hilton) to learn more about our Relativity products and customizations. We’ll be there showing off Blackout and Broadcast, so we’d love to talk to you about your redaction and reporting needs, as well as your other eDiscovery painpoints. Contact if you’d like to set up a specific time to talk while you’re in town for Relativity Fest.



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