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Black Lives Matter

A note from the Familyli:

The Black Lives Matter movement – particularly its work during the summer of 2020 while many of us worked remotely – inspired our organization to make important changes. Looking to B.L.M.'s foundational principles, the Milyli team decided expansive, incremental, inclusive, and ongoing action was necessary so that we more explicitly affirm and celebrate Black lives, resilience, and accomplishments.

We formed and funded our internal Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging School (D.I.B.S.) – a committee and company-wide resource collection – in the hopes of continuing the diligent self-work and conversations necessary to end the marginalization and oppression of Black people.

In the last month, our team has completed cross-department Traliant diversity, equity, and inclusion training. We're prioritizing ongoing learning with a Lunch and Learn series. Our first topics will be watching and discussing Amend: The Fight for America before diving into The 1619 Project and corresponding podcasts as a group. Volunteers from around the Milyli team will lead future Lunch and Learns.

D.I.B.S. also kicked off several projects meant to make Milyli an organization actively working to counter the endemic effects of white supremacy. For example, we are compiling a vendor policy for spending at Milyli to ensure we act with our "buying power" – supporting B.I.P.O.C. businesses whenever we can, whether we are working with a printing service or other software provider. The D.I.B.S. committee also looks forward to sharing how Milyli will recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Loving Day, and Juneteenth in various capacities in the years ahead.

To support urgent action, Milyli's D.I.B.S. pledges a monthly donation to Chicago Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. We've also allocated a monthly stipend for discretionary support of causes as they arise. We strongly support and appreciate any of our employees bringing movements to Milyli's attention.

Milyli also wants more B.I.P.O.C. in our predominantly white industry – in ways and spaces where they feel safe, welcome, and valued. We hope to grow our team to be more racially diverse and inclusive. However, we also know to change our industry at a macro level, it's crucial to reach B.I.P.O.C. children in ways that inspire, encourage, and facilitate their pursuit of careers.

Alongside this post, we have made an anonymous donation to a Chicagoland cause celebrating the achievements of Black and other B.I.P.O.C. student-athletes. Additionally, we are proud to fund a full-year scholarship via Chicago Youth Programs. (We look forward to supporting their Hope Gala and wreath-making events this winter!)

Someone's race will never be an acceptable barrier for "Making It Like You Like It," and until it isn't a barrier for anyone, we promise as an organization to work to change that.

These initial programs were inspired and informed by the resources compiled by B.L.M. and those provided by the Pulitzer Center. We hope you'll take some time to learn more about how you can support the Black Lives Matter movement.



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