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Writer's pictureJedidiah Cassinelli

Logging 101 Use Cases for Chronicle

One of Chronicle’s superpowers is its simple-for-anyone report-building framework. It makes constructing privilege logs incredibly easy, but shouldn't be limited to just those dastardly docs!

While the privilege log process is number one in Chronicle's heart, there are many ways to put Chronicle to work improving other Relativity tasks.

Additionally, given how super-easy it is for Chronicle users to view and download any report, you can build out other logs for anyone on the team – not just for your own amusement. And by centralizing those reports, Relativity users never need to give other users access to anything else – Chronicle becomes a secure, one-stop shop right in Relativity!

So what else can you do? Let's log 101*** use cases for Chronicle!


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Binary Translator

1) Vaughn Index for FOIA Requests

A Vaughn Index provides information about documents being withheld from FOIA requests and must be included with the response to the requestor – which is similar to the process of preparing priv logs.

Also similar is the set of information you'd need to include, including the document being withheld, the statutory exemption being claimed, and an explanation of how disclosure would damage the interests that the exemption protects and the requestor and sender.

So, how do you get all this info?

Use Relativity for more than eDiscovery by creating custom fields and objects to track your FOIA requests. Load the requested docs in, track requests, redact, and code for withholdings.

Then report on it all with Chronicle!

10) Redaction Logs / Reference List

Rule 5.2(g) of the FRCP - "Option for Filing a Reference List" under "Privacy Protection For Filings Made with the Court" – defines an optional file reference that you may need to provide (sealed) alongside unredacted versions of documents that contain personal info (i.e., SSN, birthdates, minors' names).

Just like a privilege log, you can utilize coding on the documents to capture the reasons for redaction and create a saved search of documents that fit the bill.

Then, it's one-click downloads from Chronicle to produce the list!

11) Production Logs

Organization and preparation have more than once been key components of success when navigating the highly volatile course of a case, including keeping track of information around productions.

Having a record of the timing and scope of productions – e.g., number of items, bates ranges, redaction status – can come in handy when questions arise.

Luckily, production information is easily referenced on Documents, so you can include that in the columns of data in your Chronicle log and the saved searches you choose for building the list of Documents.

100) Media Tracker

On the topic of organization, media tracking whether something like the custom objects you can build out following Relativity's blueprint or just lightweight fields added to your Documents - is another set of data that is helpful to have at hand.

Whether referenced directly off those Document fields or via the associated custom objects, Chronicle provides a means for quickly accessing reports on those Documents and the media sources they came from.

101) Participant Legends

Chronicle's ability to help beyond privilege logs also touches on the name normalization work teams do to ensure those other logs look good. Within the Manage Normalization tab of Chronicle, you have several export options, including producing a list of unique participants in the Document set. Along with these names – assuming the review team has coded them - you can will get the participants' titles, organizations, and attorney designation when you download.

So when counsel asks for the participant legend, you're once again a click or two away from having what you need to deliver!

1000+ More Use Cases?

Now that we've covered some "101"-level use cases, I hope you're inspired to see whatever workflows might benefit from Chronicle. As our customers share what they're using the tool to do and we uncover more use cases ourselves, we'll be sure to share them here.

With Chronicle's flexibility, you can use it for just about anything you want regarding reporting on the world of Documents. There's no limit to the number of "logs" you can make, and you can share them with the team (including freeing up time by letting them self-serve), so the sky's the limit for what you can automate with your Chronicle logs!

Lastly, remember the Milyli team can help brainstorm or build out your logs! Whatever they may contain, don't hesitate to reach out and ask for help.

Ready to start using Chronicle or ask if your logs in Relativity can be built with it? Reach out ➜



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