If you are ready to upgrade please email us at support@milyli.com to schedule your update or receive the RAP file.
Looking for the updated user guide? Get it here!
A New Review Experience
Chronicle 1.4 introduces an overhauled review experience for the privilege log by introducing a plethora of quality of life improvements to the user experience including infinite scrolling, sticking column widths, and placement memory for each user.
Additionally, privilege log filtering and editing has been introduced to further accelerate quality control of the privilege log and move privilege log corrections back to Relativity, your cases source of truth!
On the Fly Log Preview
A new Chronicle pane has been added to the document viewer that provides a live preview of how the coding on the current document will appear on each privilege log in the workspace. This pane can be used to see how a reviewer's coding will look on the log or see how corrections made on a document will appear providing greater peace of mind when building a log.
Quality of Life Improvements
Many quality of life improvements have been added to make it easier to build templates including further streamlining the user interface, more options for conditions, and contextual form fields based on the Relativity field type.
Write Field to Relativity
Added a new process for writing fields from a privilege log back to Relativity.
Added multiple quality of life improvements to the privilege log page
Infinite scrolling
Sticky column widths
Sticky log position (on row 1,000 and navigate away? No big deal!)
Added log index
Added Relativity document quick nav
Added log filtering based on the Relativity fields in the log
Added log editing based on the Relativity fields in the log
Added support for all Relativity Entity Extraction and Name Normalization fields
Added full support for all Relativity fields with the exception of file fields
Added Write to Field tool
Added Chronicle pane for privilege log preview
Added the Chronicle agent for use with the write to field tool
Updated privilege log creation
The toolbar is now sticky for very long privilege templates
Tightened up the space between outcomes and columns
Added is/is not comparator
Updated comparator fields to display a selection based on the field type (e.g. drop-down for single choice fields
Updated language on conditions to make the If X is Y then Z process clearer
Updated general UI to clear a lot of white-space and make better use of page real estate
Migrated most API calls to utilize Relativity Object Manager API
Future proof for new versions of Relativity
Prepare us for taking advantage of new functionality in Relativity 10.2+