Chronicle 2.0 is a significant feature update to Chronicle. This release introduces the brand new Name Normalization functionality available immediately upon upgrade or installation to all existing and new Chronicle customers.
This release will also include the removal of all RSAPI usage to prepare for its removal in Relativity Server 2023.
To prepare for this upgrade, comprehensive new documentation has been created that covers the use of the Name Normalization feature, in-depth information on how the Chronicle agent works, high-level troubleshooting, and an FAQ section to help you get started. Please contact the Customer Advocacy team to get the updated user guide. It will be available via our support center shortly after release.
Important Notes
The full version number for this release is 2.0.25555.19853
The following versions of Relativity are supported with this release
Server 2021
Server 2022
Introducing Name Normalization
We’re excited to announce that Name Normalization (NN) is now available with Chronicle 2.0! This release introduces new features that help recover valuable time by helping simplify your processes, expanding who can be involved with name clean-up, and promoting reuse of work-product as often as possible.
Bring the work (back) into Relativity
For many teams, including those who have already been using Chronicle, preparing Priv Logs often requires taking data outside of Relativity to finalize data clean-up before delivering it. With Chronicle 2.0, it’s now possible to do this work directly within your workspaces - reducing the effort, complexity, and risk associated with moving data across systems.
Get the band (back) together
Tools such as Excel are very powerful, however, even the “collaborative” online versions make it difficult for multiple people to edit a document simultaneously. With Chronicle NN, you can organize subsets of your data for review by creating an unlimited number of projects. Create one large project with everything or utilize smaller individual projects to help parallelize your teams efforts!
Instead of having each of your team members off editing an Excel file on their own, the whole team can participate - either for defining the normalizations or for QCing what they’ve done - accelerating the whole process and keeping your top people on your top priorities.
Put that work product (back) to work
Chronicle keeps track of the association of an original value with its normalized counterpart - directly in your workspace. So if you load more data, the normalizations you’ve defined are automatically applied right to those new documents, without the team having to find the new instances and normalize each one.
And when the names have all been normalized, it’s just a click of a button to write those values back into new Fields in Relativity. The normalized data is now ready to be used in privilege logs (of course), but since they’re standard Relativity Fields, you can do whatever you like with the data - from generating other reports, to providing reviewers with “clean” data to review, or including them in a production!