Barrett Newell

Jul 7, 20163 min

Relativity Reporting Is Easier Than You Think

Out-of-the-box Relativity reporting leaves a lot to be desired. Litigation Support teams and Project Managers have to report a wide variety of e-discovery data to multiple audiences that all have varying needs and levels of access in Relativity. If you need to report across multiple workspaces, you’re going to have to use an external reporting tool or build something yourself, which makes client-level reporting nearly impossible. If you want to report on data from external systems alongside Relativity data, it’s the same story.

Purchasing a third-party tool or building your own Relativity reporting solution can costs tens – even hundreds! – of thousands of dollars, depending on what you need to report on and what kind of tech expertise you have on your team. Trust us; building a Relativity reporting application is complex. That’s why we’ve done the tough work for you with Broadcast and built-in Broadcast Reporting Packs.

Broadcast lets you easily turn your e-discovery data into charts and graphs and organize everything on fully-customizable dashboards without ever leaving Relativity. Unlike Relativity, Broadcast enables cross-workspace reporting, so if a client wants to see their usage or billing statistics, you can generate dashboards specific to their workspaces that they can access at the Relativity Admin level. You can also create workspace-level dashboards that report on stats your reviewers often want to see – i.e., their own progress and overturn rates – and the Lit Support team would want to see – such as overall reviewer progress, storage information, etc.

While Broadcast makes it easy to copy/paste queries to populate charts and graphs with the information from your Relativity database, we know that not everyone has SQL experts on-hand like we do. So, we listened to Broadcast users who, time and again, asked for the same sets of reports to answer common e-discovery questions, like “How much file storage are we using?” or “How are we tracking towards review budget for this month?” With those common requests in mind, we created Broadcast Reporting Packs to give Broadcast users ready-made dashboards they can use without writing their own SQL. And we’re excited to announce that we’ve added some new charts to our Reporting Packs.

More and more service providers and law firms are using Broadcast to report review information across multiple workspaces to their clients. To help them out, we created a new Client Statistics Reporting Pack, which includes the following charts (and more):

  • Current Storage Consumption by Workspace for Current Client: Displays the storage consumption of the database and files for each case for the client currently viewing the chart

  • User Activity Table by Case for Current Client: Displays the last access date this month for each active user in each case

  • Activity in Workspace by Month for Current Client: Displays the number of users who performed activity in a workspace for a given month and the total users in that workspace over the last 12 months

The new Client Statistics Reporting Pack tracks a client’s usage from month to month while also offering a historical picture of billing and service consumption. The charts dynamically update based on which client is looking at the dashboard, so you only need to create the dashboard once and give your clients access to it. Broadcast will do the rest.

Contact to learn how we can help you hit the ground running with out-of-the-box Relativity reporting dashboards for you and your clients.